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National Stop Food Waste Day, April 24th

By April 23, 2024Uncategorized

The last Wednesday in April is National Stop Food Waste Day, just in time to team up with Earth day on April 22nd.  At Cuisine for Healing, not only do we care about our clients, we also care about our planet and saving a buck.  Our staff has come up with some creative ways to save money, reduce food waste, and reduce plastic products all at the same time and you can try all these tips your own home!

Make homemade veggie broth- Organic vegetable broth can cost up to $4.00 per container, which can get expensive around soup season.  Make your own broth by boiling your veggie and herb scraps (leave the broccoli and cabbage out) on low for about a half hour.  Season the broth to your liking, this is also a great way to cut sodium, which most store-bought broth is high in.  As an added bonus you also save the waste from the carton.

Make homemade croutons– We make our croutons by coating our bread ends in olive oil and seasoning them with garlic powder, onion powder, and Italian seasoning.  It’s a healthy, delicious crouton that saves money, and food waste!

Food storage and re-growth– Cilantro, parsley, green onions and celery will last longer if you place them root side down in a container of water in the fridge.  Save green onions and celery roots and add them to a cup of water, root side down and place in a sunny window.  They will start growing within a week!

Compost– If we are stocked up on stock and have left over veggie waste, we compost and use the new soil to freshen up our herb beds outside.

Donate to a homeless shelter– As meals near there sell by date, we take them to West Aid Homeless shelter to be enjoyed by their clients.

Freeze produce– If you didn’t make it through that whole bag of kale or spinach in time, freeze it for soups or smoothies.

Buy Organic– Organic produce promotes sustainability within the farming industry by reducing the risk of water contamination while supporting practices that promote soil health and biodiversity.

As always if you don’t have the time or energy to shop, cook and practice all these amazing tips in your own home, Cuisine for Healing has got you covered with delicious, organic meals that can be delivered straight to your door for no extra charge.  Check out our new spring menu and know that when you support Cuisine for Healing, you are supporting community members in need and a team that truly cares about all our futures.

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