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Best Foods for Clearing Brain Fog

Feeling a little foggy lately?  You are not alone.  There are many potential causes for brain fog, lack of sleep, stress, certain medications, lack of key foods, and too much of the wrong foods.  If you are experiencing brain fog, don’t overlook your daily diet. Here are some of the top foods that assist with the elimination of brain fog.

Salmon:  Salmon is high in Omega-3 fatty acids which works wonders for your nervous system and your brain cell’s ability to communicate and work properly.  Lack of Omega 3’s has been shown to accelerate aging and shrinkage of the brain.  Salmon also contains choline, research shows diets high in choline have been linked to overall healthier brain tissue.

Dark Leafy Greens:  Flavonoids are plant derived compounds that reduce inflammation by eliminating free-radicals from the body. Flavonoids may also be partially responsible for increasing blood flow in the brain by blocking the buildup of plaque.  Dark leafy greens such as kale, spinach and broccoli are high in flavonoids as well of vitamin D, vitamin C, Iron and Nitrates, all of these give your body an extra energy boost.

Avocado:  Not only are avocados packed with nutrients like potassium and magnesium which are great for improving blood circulation to the brain, they also contain monounsaturated fats which give your body energy. Lutein, an antioxidant found in avocados, has been shown to improve thinking and memory skills.

Beans: Beans contain omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants.  Studies show that legume consumption benefits cognition in the elderly.  Beans are also a valuable source of protein and fiber.

Dark Chocolate:  Chocolate can give you a boost of delicious energy while providing the body with antioxidants and nutrients.  Research suggests that dark chocolate plays a role in increasing neural activity and decreasing stress.  It also contains flavonoids which may be beneficial in enhancing memory and learning functions of the brain.

Eating healthy foods is imperative for your body and brain to thrive. What you put in your body makes a huge difference in your quality of life.  No time to make brain healthy food on your own? Cuisine for Healing has got you covered! Try Cuisine for Healing’s Wild-Caught Salmon, Spinach and Fresh Fruit Salad, or Dark Chocolate Muffins today!   Just come by the lobby or order online for free delivery.




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