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Eating Well on a Budget

As we enter the holiday season, being able to save a few dollars is beneficial. Oftentimes grocery bills can add up causing stress. Some may suggest the easiest way to reduce the cost of groceries is by purchasing pre-made or pre-packed foods, but this is not the case! There are many ways to eat well while following a budget. As consumers, we may not have the time to do research to find out what foods cost the least, taste the best, and are healthy. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has a guide to help consumers shop for “Good Food on a Tight Budget”. Below are a few foods from different categories that are listed on the EWG’s guide.

Fruits are important to keep your immune system healthy, especially during the holidays! Here are a few fruits that fit well in a tight budget:

  • Bananas, raisins, orange juice

It is recommended that you consume vegetables that are a variety of colors, and to consume at least 5 servings a day! Here are a few vegetables that fit well in a tight budget:

  • Dark Green: broccoli (frozen is often cheaper), romaine lettuce, parsley, collards
  • Red/orange: pumpkin, carrots, and tomato juice

There are many forms of grains that consumers can choose from. It is important to have a balance between processed grains and whole grains. Here are a few whole grains that will fit in your budget:

  • Puffed corn and toasted oat cereal are great breakfast cereal options
  • Barley is quick to cook and is a whole grain

Shopping for protein can be difficult. Consumers view meat and poultry as staple protein sources. While these are great sources, they can increase the cost of groceries. Here are a few alternative protein sources that are more cost-effective:

  • Seafood: tuna, squid, perch or silver hake
  • Beans and Eggs: black beans, black-eyed peas, chickpeas, lentils, and eggs
  • Nuts & Seeds: Hazelnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and walnuts

Dairy provides our bodies with a variety of vitamins and minerals. Here are a few options for milk, cheese, and yogurt choices:

  • Milk: dry milk is the best priced, however, regular milk is still a good choice
  • Cheese: cottage cheese, queso fresco, and ricotta
  • Yogurt: nonfat plain yogurt


Resource: Eating Well, The Best Foods for Eating Well on a Budget, Retrieved from:

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