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Superfood of the Week- Colorful Cauliflower!

By February 12, 2019Uncategorized

Cauliflower is a much overlooked vegetable, mild and almost tasteless makes it very versatile and easy to flovor any number of ways. Dis you ask where we got this wonderful food? Here you go:

It is a cruciferous vegetable that belongs to the Brassicaceae family, which includes broccoli, kale, and cabbage. It derives its name from the Latin word ‘caulis‘ which means cabbage with a flower. The florets on the head of the cauliflower, also known as curd, are tightly clustered and consist of immature flower buds attached to a central stalk. To protect the flavor and softness of the cauliflower heads, they are kept away from sunlight to prevent the development of chlorophyll pigment and over-maturity.

It is considered to be ancient Asia but it re-emerged in the Mediterranean region, Turkey, and Italy in 600 BC. Around the mid-16th century, this vegetable achieved recognition in France and Northern Europe. Today, India, China, Italy, France, and the United States are among the top producers of cauliflower throughout the world.

Cauliflower is available in four major groups: Asian, Italian, northwest European biennial, and northern European annuals, represented by more than a hundred varieties. Apart from white, it also comes in several other colors mentioned below.

  • Purple: The antioxidant group, anthocyanins, present in the purple cauliflower provides the color of this variety
  • Orange: Orange cauliflower is highly nutritious and contains an immense amount of vitamin A, as compared to the white variety.

Why should we fill our plates with this amazing veggie? Here is what Organic Facts has to say:

Prevents Oxidative Stress

Cauliflower contains vitamin C, manganese, and other potent antioxidants that help in imparting nourishment to the body. It also contains phytochemicals, called indoles and glucosinates, namely glucobrassicin, glucoraphanin, and gluconasturtiin. These components stimulate cancer-blocking enzymes and protect the body cells from the oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals.

Improves Cardiovascular Health

Regular consumption of cauliflower ensures blood circulation and helps in maintaining proper functioning of the blood vessels, which can be attributed to the presence of glucoraphanin and vitamin K. Glucoraphanin is converted into isothiocyanates that activate anti-inflammatory activities and prevent the accumulation of lipids in the blood vessels. This aids in the unobstructed flow of blood, which reduces the risk of conditions like atherosclerosis and promotes cardiovascular health. Research has also proved that the antithrombotic and antiplatelet function of Indole-3-carbinol, found in abundance in cauliflower, contributes significantly towards a healthy heart.

Prevents Cancer

Studies have shown that indole-3-carbinol present in cauliflower has chemopreventive and anti-estrogen effects that help in hampering the growth of cancer cells. Research has provided supporting evidence for the fact that consumption of brassica vegetables such as cauliflower assists in reducing the risk of various types of cancers such as lung, bladder, breast, prostate, ovarian, and cervical cancer.

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