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What is High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)?

By September 14, 2021Healthy Happy 2021

Often, we hear people talk or post about foods or ingredients we should avoid, but we don’t know or understand why. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), while included in many packaged foods, has been receiving a lot of negative publicity. There is plenty of sufficient research to support this argument, customers may not know the reasons why we should limit this in our diets. HFCS is added sugar usually found in sweetened beverages, processed food, packaged foods, and meals. HFCS is composed of glucose and fructose, which is very similar to another ingredient often found in foods, sucrose, also known as cane sugar. Glucose and fructose are free sugars that our bodies can digest. However, our bodies prefer higher concentrations of glucose rather than fructose. HFCS is usually made of 55% fructose and 45% glucose, but the tricky part is companies are not required to say the specific amounts that makeup HFCS. Therefore, researchers are finding that the fructose levels in HFCS may be higher than 55%. Fructose absorption can often lead to an increase in stored fat, while glucose absorption leads to stored energy for our body. Now, there is no direct evidence correlating HFCS with chronic diseases, however in westernized culture chronic diseases are increasing tremendously, and the use of HFCS is increasing as well. The key with HFCS, and many other foods, is moderation. More research is still needed to solidify any direct correlations. It is best to understand that HFCS does affect absorption in our bodies and because we are unaware of the exact amount of ingredients we should reduce overall intake or try to consume in moderation. It is best to check the labels on foods to see if HFCS is listed and wherein the ingredient list is placed. If HFCS is one of the first or second ingredients then it is one of the main ingredients, if it is the last or second to last ingredient listed then it is included in a smaller amount. Always remember that you do not have to worry about HFCS or other additives in fresh fruit, vegetables, or protein. Here at Cuisine for Healing all our meals are made without the use of any High Fructose Corn Syrup. We want to provide our customers with the cleanest ingredients to benefit their health. Below are a few popular items found in grocery stores that contain HFCS.


High Fructose Corn Syrup can be found in the following items:

  • Soft drinks
  • Breakfast cereals
  • Sweetened dairy products (i.e., yogurt)
  • Candies
  • Canned, sweetened fruit and vegetables
  • Sauces and condiments (ketchup, BBQ sauce)

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